Zachary decided this school year to run for student council. He ran for Commissioner of School Spirit. This is a perfect role for our outgoing, a little crazy, spirited son! So we made a poster, stickers and he campaigned. He was running against 3 other people. He then wrote an awesome speech that he gave to the whole school. I wasn't able to make it, but I listened to it in practice. Those who listened to the speeches told me that he did a great job. And the student body agreed:
Here he is at the installation ceremony. The Principal pinned his student council pin on him, after Father Vincent blessed them. As you can see, he is the only boy up there. I think he is going to have a fun year next year in this role, and the girls are excited to have him there.
Getting his pin ...

We are so proud of Zachary for putting himself out there and running. He is building quite a little resume at school!