Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July 10k

Every year on the 4th of July I get up early and head down to Irvine to run in the Woodbridge 5 and 10k race. This year I ran the 10k, and my friends Nancy and Cindy joined me. Woodbridge is a cute little community that puts on fun 4th of July events ... a parade, the race and other local events make it a fun day.
For me, running in the morning means more BBQ, brownies and beer in the afternoon! But it's a nice flat course, and this year I got to enjoy it with Nancy and Cindy, which was a treat. Here we are before the race.

And after the race we like to go to Ruby's for breakfast ... it's usually super nice outside, still early so not too hot. Time to just relax and start the holiday off right