Easter 2009 was a wonderful day. We started off the day going to mass at La
Purisima. The church was decorated so beautifully. Mass on holidays is a lot of fun, because there are so many people and we see a lot of our friends. Father Vincent makes the celebration special for the children by allowing them to come up around the altar for the Eucharist. Everyone is dressed in their Easter best and the children are so cute.

This is Maggie, she is in Nicholas' 1st grade class, and Katie just loves her! We sat by them at mass, and Maggie was a huge help in keeping Katie entertained and well behaved through the longer than usual Easter mass.

After church we went home and the whole family came over for brunch. We also had our neighbors Jason, Denise and their son
Kaiden over for the egg hunt. Katie and
Kaiden are best buds and love to hang out together.

Katie loves her cousin Baby Alina. Alina looks a little nervous and hopes her mommy is near by to catch her if she falls!
Now it's the time the kids have been waiting for! The Egg Hunt. The weather was beautiful, not too hot to melt all the treats, but nice enough for spring clothes. We hid the eggs up high for Zachary and Nicholas and easier to find for Katie and
Kaiden. As you can see, even Zachary had to stretch for a few.

Nicholas is ready to fill that basket with candy and treats

Katie really got the hang of it quickly. This is the first year she has really been into searching for the eggs hidden around the yard. She had her Dora (of course) bucket to store all the goodies in.

Our children in their Easter best - and showing off the goods they got from a successful hunt. It was a wonderful day spent with family and friends